Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve Part 2

This is party 2 this it tysons side of the family on christmas eve they do christmas olympics it just fun games that we play and the winner picks the last price . This games is yatcee and tysons mom Jamie wins that won
This is the game wii bowling and uncle Brent is bowling and calls it butt bowling cause everytime that he gets a strike he shakes his butt it was so funny lol :) we were there til 2 in the moring at the end of all the games the worst player that night gets a present the the next one goes and if he/she wants that one he/ she can take it so on and so on til the last one it opened that the winner of the hole night gets whatever they want this year jimbo tysons step dad won . This year i got movie tickets tyson got money and jimbo to got money and a utes thing he was so happy to get that it was a great Christmas eve and both dinners were great at my aunts we had turkey dinner and at uncle Brents we has steak my fav so we had to eat both places .

Christmas Eve

This was Christmas eve there is my aunt angie that is getting everything ready she did a great job it was at her house there is her hunband and my uncle he is supervising lol and my mom in the blue and my aunt that came from Idaho and there is Grandma the is in the back making her amazing gravy for the potatos
Jaxon just finishing his mashed totos he loves them and drinking his water all by himself YAY

The 2 sister that are just sitting with Jaxon waiting for dinner
That night we had 2 partys to go to so we just ate there and headed out to tysons aunts house

MOMMY & DADDY at Christmas

This was Christmas eve and we are just hanging out at the 2 that we had that night it was a crazy night but fun . Jaxon was not so happy with dad but that is because he is a big mommas boy all the way :)


this is my sister that lives in Texas that i never see so this past 2 weeks were really nice to spend time with her she is going to Graduate this year and it is the coolest thing cause shhe has changed a lot and is a sweet adult now this week we went shopping and i spent way to much but that is ok cause it was with my sister and she is fun to shop with.

this is her and tyson sitting around at the christmas party waiting for "santa " to come ..

Ramdom Pictures Of JAXON

This is Jaxons new coat that we saw at Target that we just had to get for him. He looks so so cute.

Trying to help with the laungry lol he loves to help

SLEEPING oh so dang cute :)

Eatin a Cookies

SO i was thinking a cookie would calm him down will ya it did and he sure made a mess of it to and he sure loved eating it :) These cookies are his every favorite he loves them.

So I was in the living room just folding clothes will Jaxon thought that he needed to help so he was getting into the basket and the next thing that I see is this..... I couldnt believe my eyes Jaxon is growing so so fast.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Yay he is now crawling its so cute.